Sunday, January 1, 2012

Shared writing... Shared books

This year I am trying to teach my Kindergarten students the connection between writing, illustrating, and reading.  I'm teaching them that anyone can be an author and an illustrator, all it takes is a little bit of hard work.  The harder they work, the better the finished product.  To do this we have been creating shared books.

Step 1. Together we share write.   To write I take a large paper and I give them a topic such:
My name is...         I can...                I like to...          I don't like to...
I want...                 My favorite...      If I....

Each student is asked to orally complete the sentence.  I demonstrate writing the sentence for them, sounding out words, starting the sentence with a capital letter, ending with punctuation, etc.

step 2.   Read it. During the rest of the week, the students take turn reading and demonstrate tracking the words they wrote using the teachers pointer.

step 3.  Manipulate it.  I take the sentences they wrote, type them up, then cut them apart so each child has their own sentence in parts.  Students practice re-arranging their words in the correct sentence order.

step 4. Illustrate it.  Students are given a half sheet of paper and a copy of their sentences to re-write on to their page.  After writing the sentence, the students are then ask to illustrate their sentence.
Step 5. Teacher takes a picture or scans all the illustrated pages.

Step 6.  Teacher adds the pages to the students' individual paper books (which they will keep at school till the end of the school year).

Step 7.  I uploaded the pictures to my and created a published hard back book for the students for us to use in the classroom using the online bookify program.  Our book is a popular choice for story time.

Our books:
book 1: All about us: A kindergarten shared writing project

book 2:

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